Data from a broad range of researches and trials, which are based on practical questions from the field, are gathered and analyzed with the Lavis system since 2015 by the Innovation Team of research farm Laverdonk.
FarmResult is proud supplier of Lavis which is being used by this research farm localized in Heeswijk-Dinther, The Netherlands. Lavis, a white label of our ResearchResult, combines specific data for setting up a research and various trials in one central database with among other things the house- and pen-specific data which are automatically gathered. Also, specific data for setting up a research and various trials are merged in one central database. Herewith, Lavis offers the possibility of analyzing multiple researches and trials over a longer period of time.
Article in Agri Newspaper ‘’De Nieuwe Oogst’’
In this article (Dutch), various employees of the Innovation Team explain how they complete various researches and trials with the Lavis system. They examine, for example ‘’whether the absorption of calcium is changing among laying hens during the laying period and what effect different raw materials in feed can have on broiler chickens. ‘’ Monique van Loon, author of the article.
Standard Operating Procedure and Audit Trail System
Being able to introduce a self-definable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) helps guarantee that the outcomes of trials are as precise and trustworthy as possible and comparable over multiple trials. The research calendar and overview of the planning strengthen this further. Multiple users can see which tasks are created, still open and fulfilled. Additionally, Lavis contains an audit trail report. Summing up, it is highly essential that the working method and management remain constant for a research on various feed series for broiler chicks, that can contain for example six till nine repetitions.
Automatic Data and Flexible Farm Lay-out
All data which is available in the farms and are retrievable via the process equipment, are automatically gathered. For instance, the feed intake, water intake and the climate. This can be performed in intervals, ranging from once per day till every 10 minutes. The Lavis system is completely flexible, especially with different farm lay outs. At Laverdonk ‘’trials are executed with 4.000 laying hens which can be subdivided into 24 pens with an aviary system and can be transformed to a flock colony with 48 pens ‘’ explains Anne ter Braak, Nutritionist Laying Hens.
360 Degrees Overview
The management system gathers all data which provides a 360 degrees perspective on the birds, their environment and their management. There is for instance a complete track and trace and data is gathered on the process, genetic background, medication, treatments and welfare observations entered on tablets by veterinarians. This results in management KPI’s such as feed conversion, water-feed ratio and feed profit/m2.
Central Database and Flexible Analyses
All this data are aggregated and merged in one database which contains a separate data warehouse for running analyses. Within this data warehouse trials can be analyzed, and specific questions can be requested over multiple trials and researches. This makes the gathered data an added value for researches.
FarmResult believes it is important to be a part of new developments that may be introduced into the markets and thus we are happy to support the research team of Agrifirm in doing so.
(The image used as cover of this article is used in the article (12/03/2020) of ”De Nieuwe Oogst” and its rights belong to Agrifirm.)